Essential Psychology
the total expression of our being in all levels Body psychotherapyNext workshops“A journey of surrendering to self and to the Wisdom of Life”
Embody the Wisdom
Free and paid online courses
follow @fernando.aguiar.psi
Embodied and Developmental Trauma Supervision
Supervision is available for therapists that are not trained as body psychotherapist, but want to add more of the body, and developmental trauma, in their work
Learn more about TRE and schedule a session online.
Online Psychotherapy
Fernando was his main judge on the effectiveness of this work. But after many online hours and clients, with fantastic results, there’s no doubt left. Click here to learn more and schedule a session.
You can find some bellow, or click the button to see the currently scheduled events all around the world.
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Fernando Aguiar
He chose to be a clinical psychologist when he was 15 years old and he has dedicate himself to meditation and self-fevelopment since he was 17.
He has a bachelor and master degree in Psychology.
He is a Core Eneregtics practitioner by the Institute of Core Energetics/New York and a TRE provider level 2.
He is a professor at the Core Energetics training in Brasilia.
He works as a body psychotherapist and career counselor.
He offers individual, groups, couples and supervision sessions.
He is an international workshop facilitator (Israel, Australia, Thailand, India, Nepal, Mexico)
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