Fernando Aguiar
"I became a therapist because I believe that everyone deserve to live up to their full potential. And, the world, deserve the Beauty of who you are."Who is
Fernando Aguiar
He meditates since he was 17.
Travelled for 2 years in south east asia
Worked as a therapist in different countries.
He loves working with groups.
“To share and offer my gifts, personal development, spirituality and human conection.“
“Spirituality is the strongest value in me, but I have no set religion. When I was 15 I understood that wisdom could be found in every religion, so I dedicated myself to learn from all of them.
What I seek is a path to freedom of being. Freedom from the ilusions of who I think I am, who the other is and what the world is. Freedom from attachement and aversion. Freedom to express myself with autonomy and responsability.”

Have you being in a workshop with Fernando?

Body psychotherapist

Workshops on various subjects and in different countries.
Some curriculum
Professional activities
Psychotherapist – Private Practice
2007 – present
My work is essentially based on body psychology, Core Energetics from John Pierrakos, but is also has a great influence from Psychodrama. I work with teenagers and adults dealing with several emotional and relationship issues.
Career Counselor
2007 – present
As a career counselor I help:
• teenagers choosing their future professional career and it begins with choosing a course at the University by the end of High School.
• young people in buiding a Life Project.
• adults to change their current career and find what they love to do.
I work with groups and individuals.
In schools or enterprise environment
Life Coach and workshop facilitator
New Life Foundation – Thailand.
Facing Exams and Interviews: The Neurophisiology of Self Confidence
Working with some physical techniques and substantial information, I helped several people that were preparing themselves to go through an Oral Examination to become Federal Judges and other high level governmental occupations.
International Workshops
(some examples)
- Healing developmental trauma (Melbourne)
A two days workshop on developmental trauma and therapeutic group process. Click here to know more. - Awakening the body wisdom: TRE and Inner Dance (Auroville, India)
When we connect to the wisdom in our body and being a whole new world of self exploration and self discovery becomes available. Freedom, relaxation and peace are now real possibilities, not abstract concepts. - Five adaptive styles; Authentic Power; Mask, Lower Self and Higher Self, Embodied sexuality and many more (Thailand)
Workshops offered at New Life Foundation as part of their therapeutic program. - Healing the Embodied Soul: TRE and Core Energetics together (Australia).
A therapeutic workshop bringing together the best of what TRE and Core Energetics have to offer. Ideal for those who want to have a deep experience of reconecting with their true self for a more embodied, free and fulfiling life. Read more, see pictures and watch a video
- Releasing stress and trauma (Israel and Australia)
Through an innovative technique called TRE – Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises, developed by Dr. David Berceli, it’s possible to help people release deep tensions and stress that are locked in the body and the nervous system. It’s not only about developing mental strategies, but to reach the root of the question. - Embodied Decision Making: awakening your intuition (Israel and Australia)
Most of the time people loose their capacity to listen to the information their bodies give about the environment, situations, people, opportunities. We can re-connect to this natural wisdom and intuition, which can support us in many life situations.
Main studies
Master in Clinical Psychology (research)
2010 – 2012
Thesis title: Career guidance and health promotion in adolescents: contributions and thoughts from clinical Psychology.
Provider: Universidade de Brasília (University of Brasilia)
2010 – 2012
This was a special Pathwork training designed for Core Energetics’ therapists. Pathwork is a psycho-spiritual method for consciousness development through the comprehension and transformation of our distortions and wrong beliefs about life and who we are.
Provider: New York Pathwork Region and Brazilian Network of Core Energetics
TRE – Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises
2009 – 2010
“TRE is a simple technique that uses exercises to release stress or tension from the body that accumulate from every day circumstances of life, from difficult situations, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, or traumatic life experiences (i.e., natural disasters, social or domestic violence).” (from traumaprevention.com)
Provider: David Berceli
Core Energetics’s Therapist
Core Energetics is a body oriented psychotherapy theory and technique developed by John Pierrakos. It combines, in a unique and special way, body, emotions, mind and spiritual reality, treating the human being as a whole.
Provider: Core Energetics Institute – New York/USA and Brazilian Network of Core Energetics
Bachelor and License to teach: Psychology
A 5-year study program at the Universidade de Brasilia (Brasilia’s University) that allows me to work as a Psychologist plus 2 years to allow me to teach undegraduated students.
Provider: Universidade de Brasilia (Brasilia’s University)
Published scientific papers
(2015) Career guidance and health promotion with adolescents: keys for intervention programs. International Journal for Education and Vocational Guidance. Aguiar, F.H.R., Conceição, M.I.G.
(2013) Vocational guidance and adolescent’s health promotion. Revista Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia [online].
Aguiar, F.H.R., Conceição, M.I.G.
(2012) Analyses of the scientific production in vocational guidance: tendencies and old problems. Psico-USF [online]. 17(1), 97-107.
Aguiar, F.H.R., Conceição, M.I.G.
(2011) Vocational guidance as a cross-curricular theme: an experience with professionals in education. Rev. bras. orientac. prof [online]. 12(1), 107-117.
Aguiar, F.H.R., Conceição, M.I.G.
(2009) Expectations about the future and vocational choice of students moving to high school. Rev. bras. orientac. prof [online]. 10(2), 105-115.
Aguiar, F.H.R., Conceição, M.I.G.
(2008) Vocational Guidance according to neo-reichian perspective: the contributions of grounding. Rev. bras. orientac. prof [online]. 9(1), 115-128.
Aguiar, F.H.R., Conceição, M.I.G.
In action!
Workshops on various topics and one-on-one sessions in several countries like Brazil, Australia, India, Thailand, Nepal, Israel e Mexico.

– Presented papers in several professional conferences: Brazil, South Africa, Australia e Germany.
– Publications on international scientific journals.

Never stop learning
Regularly attends retreats and trainings.
Daily practice of meditation, yoga and Taoism..