Neurogenic Freedom & Flow
The essence of shaking and surrendering to flowBy becoming flow, many changes become possible. In flow there is no past or future, no better or worse, no me and the other. In flow we are the present, the breath, the movement, the totality, the Spark, the wholeness. In flow, our fears and conflicts become movement, integrating into consciousness, and expand into new possibilities.
In flow we begin to transform our first separation from ourselves.
Connect deeply with yourself on a level you never imagined.
Open yourself up to connect with more intimacy and less defenses.
“In my personal experience, the free flow of my energy leads me to states of ecstasy, deep compassion, and connection to all life. It is common to remember what some would call past lives, especially when I do the neurogenic resonance. I often go through challenging points and energy blocks, which I can rarely access in any other way. “(Fernando Aguiar)
An advanced workshop to surrender to the essence of the shaking
Testimonials from previous workshop attendees
“TRE got me here, it taught me to recognise and trust my body. The freedom and flow weekend shot me to a whole new wonderful level.”
JenniferRead Jennifer's full testimonial
TRE got me here, it taught me to recognise and trust my body. The freedom and flow weekend shot me to a whole new wonderful level. Thank you to you and Richmond for making this a possibility. With love to you both and all my friends in the room.”
“We healed individually and collectively through release and communion, experienced our true nature in ourselves and each other. We worked on our primal wound of separation and experienced our oneness.“
MichelleWhat is Neurogenic Freedom?
Involuntary tremors and movements are present in birds and mammals as an innate and neurophysiological resource to discharge stress and for trauma prevention. Animals in the wild or in the domestic settings tremble and exhibit seemingly chaotic movements when subjected to stressful situations. Who has never seen the dog shaking after firework explosions? We humans, mammals, also present the same response in stressful situations, except when we keep everything under control.
The word neurogenic is used to classify certain types of tremors and involuntary movements. Although, technically incorrect, since all movements are neurogenic, it is used to distinguish involuntary movements that are symptoms – as in a convulsion or muscle fatigue – and involuntary movements that occur when we surrender to the current of life that is always present in our bodies. So, neurogenic is an adjective for everything that comes from the ever-present life current.
Neurogenic freedom is a way of dissolving that false identity, the origin of all suffering, through surrendering to the flow of life.
The flow of life receives many names: Divine Spark (Pathwork), Seiki (Seiki Jutso), Holy Spirit (African-American churches), vital current, or, as we like to call it, Neurogenic Wisdom.
An internally free being can never be enslaved by external powers or by one’s own senses. Freedom is about spontaneity of expression and movement. Freedom to be yourself, honor who you are and offer your gifts to the world. The source of all suffering is the imprisonment in a false identity, which results in the disconnection from ourselves and our whole life. Reestablishing that lost connection is the deepest longing of every being.
What happens when we surrender to Neurogenic Wisdom?
By surrendering to this Wisdom, our identifications start to dissolve, and we begin to discover that everything is movement (whether in the body, emotions or mind). In flow there is no past, present or future. Conceptualizations, patterns and ideas disappear. All there is is the flow. There is no effort, plan, or goal. Nothing needs to be done and everything happens.
On the way to the dissolution of the false identity, we are led by processes of transformation in the body, in our emotions and in consciousness. Everything that limits us needs to be transformed, and then we experience love for everything that exists and more presence in our life.
These tremors were discovered by various civilizations and have always had a link with healing and spirituality. For example, healers in the Kalahari desert, Guarani Indians in the Amazon forest, several churches in Europe and the United States, and Seiki Jutso in Japan.
In the Western world, within the scientific paradigm, the tremors were adapted for psychotherapeutic and trauma treatment. Some examples are Peter Levine’s Somatic Experience, the various approaches to body psychotherapy that originated with Wilhelm Reich (Bioenergetics, Core Energetics, etc.), TRE – Trauma Release Exercises with David Berceli and Inner Dance with Pi Vilarazza.
Although it is always the same neurogenic tremors, each author approaches the work in a different way, proposing their own method of using and engaging with the tremors.
Fernando was first trained in Core Energetics, then in TRE and finally in Inner Dance. Over the years, meditation and the practice of surrendering to tremors have loosened theoretical conceptualizations about the neurogenic movements. Thus, he was discovering in his own practice what the ancients already said, the tremors are not there to be understood and interpreted, but to be lived in the most free, spontaneous and sacred way possible.
So is this a new approach? Yes and no. Yes because it is Fernando’s particular vision of the process of surrendering to the tremors, but no because it resembles the older traditions whose goal is to make contact with the life force and learn directly from it.
Which approaches influence this work?
Core Energetics: A body psychotherapy approach developed by John Pierrakos.
Pathwork: A path for spiritual development channeled by Eva Pierrakos.
TRE – Trauma Release Exercises: Method developed by David Berceli who uses the tremors for stress reduction and trauma treatment.
Philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism: Particularly the philosophy about the nature of existence, the practice of Compassion and the aspiration to free all beings from suffering.
Inner Dance: Method developed by Pi Vilarazza that uses music in different rhythms and frequencies to induce tremors.
When was it first offered?
Taken by the desire to share his findings with people, in 2016 Fernando created the online course Neurogenic Freedom. The live version of the workshop was first presented in Australia in 2017 under the name of Neurogenic Freedom & Flow, co-facilitated by the TRE trainer Richmond Heath, who has made important contributions to the process.
A total surrender, a moving meditation where action and stillness meet.
Read Wendy's full testimonial
Richmond and Fernando, you created a very special space for the TRE process to become something other than a releasing process for me. Somehow, through the activities performed, the work we did in groups, partnered or alone, through the group energy, love and support toward growth, there began a subtle yet profound shift from my usual experience of observation and sensing towards a new openness, a receiving, and an ability to let movement travel within me in a way I have not done before.
I experienced a resonance between this group of participants that was more powerful than felt in other TRE groups before. I feel the Neurogenic Freedom & Flow weekend has enabled me to be open to and trust my body’s wisdom on a deeper and freer level. It was deliciously unsettling and comforting at the same time, and my ongoing experience is one of calmness and curiosity.
Warm thank you to all the participants for creating a space for growth, and an especially big thank you to Richmond and Fernando for sharing with us your new workshop.
Here’s to the beauty that moves within us all “
Read Sandy's full testimonial
Gratitude to everyone who opened themselves so profoundly in the ‘vessel’ we all co created, which was so lovingly held by Fernando and Rich.
Such a vibrant, healing experience- Being Love in stillness, gyrations, power, clear boundaries, sound, breath, merging, communion in the boundless deep and the celestial heights…. freedom and flow..heaven on earth.”
What to expect
The greatest goal is to embody a new and radical freedom of being and expressing yourself in the world. Not from a place of self-will and obstination, but through surrendering to the flow of life.

Extra benefits for therapists
When and where?
People who have already expe- rienced tremors / neurogenic movements are through TRE, Inner Dance, Core Energetics, Bioenergetics, etc …
This work may not be recommended for people with severe emotional or psychic disturbances or who are in crisis. If you have any questions, please contact Fernando.
Bring your glass or water bottle. We have a filter here, but we do not have disposable cups.
> Annotation material.
> There will be long periods when you will lie down, we have mattresses and cushions, but bring whatever you feel comfortable (blanket, blanket, sock).
> We will not wear shoes in the workshop area.
You can go to a restaurant or bring your lunch and warm it up in the house.
Payment and registration
Payment options
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Neurogenic Freedom Online Course
allow the full potential of neurogenic movements in your lifeShare this page
Fernando Aguiar
He chose to be a clinical psychologist when he was 15 years old and he has dedicate himself to meditation and self-fevelopment since he was 17.
He has a bachelor and master degree in Psychology.
He is a Core Eneregtics practitioner by the Institute of Core Energetics/New York and a TRE provider level 2.
He is a professor at the Core Energetics training in Brasilia.
He works as a body psychotherapist and career counselor.
He offers individual, groups, couples and supervision sessions.
He is an international workshop facilitator (Israel, Australia, Thailand, India, Nepal, Mexico)