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Videos, TExts and more!Fernando is interviewed by the Australian Life Coach, John Harvey.
The 4 stages of sexual awakening
Podcast – Fernando is interviewed by Javierra Correa from
The world needs love, we know this. Are you ready to love radically?
Common behaviors and attitudes that are just protective strategies
The path to change involves turning ego syntonic unhealthy behaviors into ego dystonic ones. In other words: removing and dis-identifying with all the rubbish that it is not who you really are.
Learn a simple and effective way to practice and improve your grounding.
Body reading is about seeing how the mind shapes the body. It is not another video about body language; it is about understanding how your body is a direct expression of your unconscious mind, how that affects your life and what you can do to help yourself. Here I talk about two complementary concepts: UNDERCHARGE and OVERCHARGE.
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Fernando Aguiar
He chose to be a clinical psychologist when he was 15 years old and he has dedicate himself to meditation and self-fevelopment since he was 17.
He has a bachelor and master degree in Psychology.
He is a Core Eneregtics practitioner by the Institute of Core Energetics/New York and a TRE provider level 2.
He is a professor at the Core Energetics training in Brasilia.
He works as a body psychotherapist and career counselor.
He offers individual, groups, couples and supervision sessions.
He is an international workshop facilitator (Israel, Australia, Thailand, India, Nepal, Mexico)